Prominent LOGO on Event Shirt (larger)
Logo on Event Website
Name recognition on race day, in emails, and on social media
2 Free race entries/shirts
Table at event
Please note that our ability to ensure that you receive all benefits at your sponsorship level will depend on when the sponsorship is confirmed. For example, logo recognition on event t-shirts is dependent on confirmed sponsorship and receipt of your logo by the time that t-shirt orders are completed.
Logo on Event Shirt
Name recognition race day, in emails, and on social media
1 Free race entry/shirt
Logo on event website; recognition on race day; name recognition in race emails/communications and on social media
We welcome in-kind donations of your time, expertise, goods, or services. Please let us know how you would like to contribute in non-monetary ways toward prizes/giveaways, food/water, etc. Thank you for your generosity.
Please contact Kelly Gin at to discuss your sponsorship ideas.