Tuesday, October 12, 20219:00 am CST
801 Coy St
Poth, Texas 78114
Event Divisions
DivisionCategoryRouteDistanceStart Time
Varsity GirlsCross CountryPoth XC 2M2.00 Miles2021-10-13 @ 9:00am
Varsity BoysCross CountryPoth XC 5K5.00 Kilometers2021-10-13 @ 9:30am
JV GirlsCross CountryPoth XC 2M2.00 Miles2021-10-13 @ 10:00am
JV BoysCross CountryPoth XC 5K5.00 Kilometers2021-10-13 @ 10:30am
8th Grade BoysCross CountryPoth XC 2M2.00 Miles2021-10-13 @ 5:30pm
8th Grade GirlsCross CountryPoth XC 2M2.00 Miles2021-10-13 @ 5:00pm
7th Grade BoysCross CountryPoth XC 2M2.00 Miles2021-10-13 @ 4:30pm
7th Grade GirlsCross CountryPoth XC 2M2.00 Miles2021-10-13 @ 4:00pm
7th and 8th Girls CombinedCross Country0.00 mi / 0.00 km
7th and 8th Boys CombinedCross Country0.00 mi / 0.00 km
DQCross Country

Course map(s) have not been posted for this event


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