Saturday, November 05, 20168:30 am CST
1540 Old Lehmann Road
Seguin, Texas 78155

The Bull Du consists of two duathlon distances and a relay option for the longer.  It takes place at BS Brewing, which is a craft brewery in Guadalupe County.  The brewery is out in the country, and the race will be on paved county and FM roads.  The run courses are out and back, and relatively flat.  The two bike courses  are single, clockwise loops.  Both are challenging with quite a few good hills.  All participants will receive a t-shirt and an EMPTY 32oz Bull Du Growler.  Upon finishing. those participants that are 21 and over will receive 2 free craft  beers.
*Register by 10/31 for guaranteed shirt and growler.


You MUST be over 21 to enjoy the beer.

A portion of the proceeds will be benefiting the Texas State Triathlon Club.

It will be USAT sanctioned and awards will be given to top finishers in each age group.


The Pin Duathlon
- 1 mile run, 13-mile bike, 1 mile run

The Firkin Duathlon             -has Relay Option
- 2 mile run, 22-mile bike, 2 mile run

Schedule: Transition Open: 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Pre-race meeting: 8:10 a.m.
Race Start: Firkin (long course)= 8:30 am
Pin (short course)= 8:45 am
Entry Fees:

Pin = Short Course
$50 now till July 31st
$60 August 1st till September 15th
$70 September 16th till October31st
$75 November 1st till race day

Firkin = Long Course
$60 now till July 31st
$70 August 1st till September 15th
$80 September 16th till October31st
$85 November 1st till race day

Long Course 2 person Relay option
price per participant
$40 now till July 31st
$50 August 1st till September 15th
$60 September 16th till October31st
$65 November 1st till race day

$12 on-Site fee for a one-day USAT license if you do not have a current membership

Registration closes at Midnight November 7

Absolutely no REFUNDS unless the race is cancelled

Packet Pick-Up:

BS Brewing, Friday the 4th, 5-9pm

Race Day packet pickup from 6:30am to 7:30am



Seth Hodges,