Saturday, September 30, 20238:30 am CST
410 Post Hill St
Mason, Texas 76856
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15th Annual Gem of the Hill Country 5K - Awards

Saturday, September 30, 2023

5K - Male

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
Overall1214Benjamin Morales20:04.689 6:28

1-12 Male11Sloan Yates25:27.848 8:11

20-29 Male1167Pascual Callejas22:01.506 7:05
2177Luke Gillespie23:43.879 7:38
3211David Mora33:14.51710:42

30-39 Male1187Asa Holland23:00.004 7:24
2224Michael Flores23:59.939 7:43
3199Jesus Leon25:32.651 8:13

40-49 Male12Jan Vermeulen28:07.470 9:03
2165Justin Burch34:33.09511:07
3200Billy Longoria39:16.83112:38

50-59 Male111Stephen Cockrell28:09.157 9:04
2176John Gillespie52:57.71517:03

60-99 Male1190Terry Jordan25:46.608 8:18
2191Danny Kamerath27:00.260 8:41
3170Don Comedy44:16.80914:15


15th Annual Gem of the Hill Country 5K - Awards

Saturday, September 30, 2023

5K - Female

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
Overall1231Adalie Thomas22:37.528 7:17

1-12 Female16Everly Rabon27:13.845 8:46
2232Dreese Thomas28:19.334 9:07
3242Olivia Velez28:41.784 9:14

13-19 Female1250Savannah Yates27:13.870 8:46

20-29 Female1197Macie Ledbetter31:24.50410:06
2221Claire Petersen35:16.34511:21
3210Ale Mora48:24.45815:35

30-39 Female1235Shelise Torres24:25.471 7:52
2248Danielle Williams29:25.757 9:28
3245Sara Virdell29:36.988 9:32

40-49 Female1233Sha Thomas23:18.760 7:30
2164Bandi Burch26:32.314 8:32
3179Carrie Gonzales31:44.66610:13

50-59 Female113Trish Rochat39:28.52112:42
2216Maria Morales39:43.26112:47
3186Tana Hofmann41:13.41413:16

60-99 Female1163Addie Bowden43:23.10513:58
2185Peggy Hicks43:33.37114:01
3189Carolyn Hudson45:50.15014:45