Saturday, May 25, 20249:00 am CDT
1088 East 329
Rankin, Texas 79778
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Running Against the Wind Memorial 5K - Awards

Saturday, May 25, 2024

5K Run/Walk - Male

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
Overall186Michael Rodriguez20:15.411 6:31
Overall2103Michael Corbett21:04.124 6:47
Overall3115Carlos Bustamante21:14.481 6:50

1-10 Male1104Steele Martinez31:10.40110:02

11-19 Male195Sterling Martinez21:52.177 7:02
2105Elijah Weaver23:31.748 7:34
3100Joseph Chacon27:09.339 8:44

20-29 Male188Izaiah Ramirez27:29.441 8:51
2102Brandon Draper33:38.77010:50
390Pj Simmons52:22.36516:51

40-49 Male1117Jason Rhodes27:29.280 8:51
2120Matthew Wallace32:43.54310:32
3110Sergio Jordan52:30.77616:54


Running Against the Wind Memorial 5K - Awards

Saturday, May 25, 2024

5K Run/Walk - Female

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
Overall1109Lilianna Caro27:29.233 8:51
Overall299Madison Clark31:54.73710:16
Overall3111Sylvia Lee33:43.66910:51

1-10 Female1107Khloe Rodriguez44:25.10114:18

11-19 Female196Krislynn Rodriguez39:39.03612:46
298Mia Lopez41:30.55613:21
3113Brooklyn Fiueroa45:12.31314:33

20-29 Female1114Jailiene Granado40:47.59813:08
289Rami Herrera44:24.23314:17
391Morgan Ward48:41.46715:40

30-39 Female197Crystal Lopez34:27.60811:05
280Hayley Abalos41:18.74113:18
3112Danielle Rivero45:12.86314:33

50-59 Female187Sharon Simmons41:31.55813:22