
The James Madison High School PTSA invites runners and walkers of all levels to join us on our first ever Live Vape Free Color Run 5K!


All ages are encouraged! Everyone is welcome.


This is a chipped timed race, results will be posted immediately after completing.  Come and check out the KIOSK to get your printout.


We will also be having a Wellness Fair and Vendor Market. More details to be posted closer to race day. Stay tuned! 

Race Day Schedule

6:45 - 7:45 A.M. Race Day Registration & Packet Pick up

7:45 A.M. Warm Up

8:00 A.M.  5K Starts

Entry Fees

$ 20 Registration includes timed chipped bib and t-shirt.


Students are FREE!

Does not include t-shirt or timed bib.


Shirts may be purchased for Students at $10


Packet Pickup

Madison High School

6:45 - 7:45 A.M. Race Day Registration & Packet Pick up


Are you a PTSA member?  Dont forget to ask for your special gift.

Not a PTSA member, not too late, sign up with the link below!
