We will be set up on the lower level of the pavilion, the side closest to the water! Here are the coordinates: 30.579347, -97.414592
Please do not plan to park at the pavilion. Park at the track lot between Sycamore and Davis and take the trail. Here are the coordinates for the lot: 30.578600, -97.416242
NOTE: Due to insurance requirements through USATF, we can not have dogs participate in the race with their owners.
14th Annual 5K and 10K to benefit the Taylor Garden Club. Taylor Garden Club provides Scholarships for youths who are pursuing careers in ecology, horticulture, landscaping, arbor and forestry studies and other career fields relating to growing things. We also work closely with the City of Taylor and the parks system to assist with planned tree and garden plantings and maintenance.
Join us for the 5K or 10K distance, both will be on the TRAIL!
We are rain or shine!