As we cross the finish line of another year, it’s important to look ahead at the new year to come and to set some goals — whether that means improvements in your personal life, professional development, or even just hitting new marks in your training and endurance.
I personally put a lot of stock in what leadership guru Robin Sharma has to say about the matter: “Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone.”
But this doesn’t mean that change has to be drastic. Incremental improvement builds up over the course of a year — five years — a lifetime. Look around you and see what small changes you can make in an effort to lead a more fulfilling life, or to help your community. Get out some paper and write down your ideas. Vividly describing your goals can make them up to 1.4 times more likely to come to fruition.
No Forward Step Is Too Small
Positive change can be something as simple as saying hello to a new neighbor, signing up for a cooking class, asking your boss about professional training opportunities or finally deciding to beat a bad habit. Tack on a few extra reps at the gym or push yourself to add distance to your daily runs. If you haven’t yet tried an organized running event, now is a great time to look ahead and pencil one into your schedule. Pad in time to train, improve and prepare. Join a running club and make new friends who share your passion for exercise. You might be surprised what else you have in common.
Running Down a Dream
Think about charity work. 5k runs and walks are a popular way for organizations to raise awareness and funds. Have a look at the Athlete Guild calendar of upcoming events or use the internet to see if your favorite charity has anything set for 2019. Some people believe that giving feels better when it burns a little (don’t we love to be martyrs?), and I can’t think of a better way than to sweat a bit for your favorite cause. That after-run burn will match the glow in your heart.
Reap the Rewards, Then Keep On Moving
At the end of next year, wouldn’t it be nice to look back and see the positive changes you’ve made in your own life and in those around you, little by little? And then to look around once again to see what new vistas lie ahead for the coming year. Keep on forging ahead. This beautiful world of ours is ripe with opportunity if you take the time to evaluate, plan, and then execute a course of action. Effort is never wasted.
Lou Holtz said it best, “In this world you're either growing or you're dying, so get in motion and grow.”