110 W. Travis St.
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20111Nicholas Craig33:1835Jackie Patterson34:2549
20121Rob Lohmeyer32:1258Maeve Goetz32:2077
20131Carlos Neri33:2866Melisa Aguilar-Rehn33:09116
20141John Donley28:2269Evy Gonzales35:41134
20151Julian Romero29:0981Shannon Hanna36:16100
20161Nick Hamlin29:09100Lauren Haney32:21103
20171Aaron Kolterjahn32:1775Emily Parker30:2187
20181Chase Junell27:0264Charisma Wedemeyer39:2845
20191Samuel Murphy27:0764Luke Gosnell34:3667
20201Steve Reily49:095Nathaly Eckman54:305
20211Matt Smith32:4153Emily Selig33:3737
20221Alejandro Hernandez28:1355Leann Rominger33:2859
20231Darius Parstabar28:3151Megan Jones35:1038
20241Kaleb Dale29:1048Amanda Solomon38:3535

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 15

Page Activity