201 Holdsworth Dr
Kerrville, Texas 78028
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20111Karsen Kiefer20:1442Lisa Watts22:2558
20121Brian Bruno19:5954Amanda Britnell21:1085
20131Thomas Hugo19:5533Adriana Mercado24:0557
20141Private Profile21:1228Christina Ortega24:5053
20151Troy Walker21:4715Brianne Lapierre22:2230
20161Ryan Valdez20:2134Lily Beaumont24:3357
20171Joshua McKinney20:1924Alta Nemky23:5434
20181Jared Rios19:1129Brooklyn Grobe25:3957
20191Lawson Behrens20:5627Madellyn Fielder23:5546
20201Charles Clark18:3843Michelle Henry23:5956
20211Hunter Evens19:2250Wendy Holden22:5450
20221Luke Wrase17:4223Elizabeth Wrase21:3941
20231Hunter Evans19:2636Elizabeth Lesauvage22:5648
20241Hunter Evans17:4637Olivia Wrase23:0748

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 20

Page Activity