23194 Park Rd 25
Mathis, Texas 78368
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20161Joe Putnam1:33:091Roxanne Gutierrez1:21:442
20171David Nelson1:18:342Cecilia Murphy1:28:052
20181Isaiah Vidal1:53:231Amanda Guillory1:53:232
20191Derek Bolser28:3216Kaylani Phillips1:11:2911
20211Nicolas Feraci1:02:4772Annalise Heyward1:16:4041
20221Melchor Hinoctan1:02:0162Christabel Martin1:02:0141
20231Nicolas Feraci1:02:2263Sharon Tinnell1:16:1543
20241Girts Starks56:4356Cindy Salazar1:11:4942

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 21

Page Activity