503 Peace Ave
New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20111Joey May16:4448Angelina Felsing22:1670
20121Thomas Erickson21:2848Vicki Ralph23:2491
20132Alexander Rogers17:1581Stephanie Smith22:17122
20142Efrain Velazquez15:5489Laura Martinez19:59132
20151Nick Blomstedt17:5648Yvonne Rodriquez20:3297
20161Anthony Rock19:3669Ivy Kohl21:20126
20171Chase Bennet18:2884Tenley Ortiz18:4279
20181Luke Hippensteel17:2276Lauren Martinez20:27103
20191Goose Pedraza18:5688Jackie Riemenschneider23:35132
20201Dj Alsobrooks18:2966Clare Anne Dasso21:5866
20212Tate Freiley20:00104Melissa Welty20:38146

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 28

Page Activity