204 N C M Allen Pkwy
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20081Neal Lucas16:5761Melisa Aguilar18:4149
20091Jeffrey Shelton16:34112Liz Shelton17:3453
20101Reuben Ortiz17:0780Katie Hector24:2354
20111Jonathan Hernandez16:1275Rebecca Valdez20:07129
20121Michael Morris15:50102Lydia Brady22:17184
20131Michael Morris16:29106Sarah Mark19:23134
20141Travis Rounds18:18198Kaythlynn Welsch19:51331
20151John Hernandez17:46244Cheyenne Meyer19:32392
20221Charles Maldonado17:20296Taylor Nichols21:37350
20231Charles Maldonado16:47328Eleanor Smith19:54441
20241Charles Maldonado16:38342Stephanie Meredith20:19379

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 22

Page Activity