17630 Lookout Rd
Selma, Texas 78154
Fastest Male
Fastest Female
20111Colin Spencer20:5420Nancy Berlin22:0329
20123Robert Wade15:11341Liza Galvan17:35490
20132Jeremy Breece13:34218Liza Hunter Galvan18:09278
20143Samuel Buske16:16230Liza Hunter Galvan18:32307
20153Elias Villegas-Ponce16:13241Noemi H. Rodriguez16:37327
20163Ivan Sears14:24246Kelly Elmlinger16:19346
20173Jim Madison16:10157Ania Perez18:16209
20183Andrew Meads19:2456Courtney Sanders24:02103
20192Antonio McGrew20:0131Summer Tustison22:3539

Events column is the total number of events for that year
Count column is the total number of participants for that year

Total number of events for this route: 48

Page Activity