Saturday, October 15, 20169:00 pm CST
409 E 5th St
Austin, Texas 78701
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7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7050Bodyglide Blisters and Bengay1Katie O'Day37:35:5310:07

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7009Weekend Warriors1Paul Aleshire28:38:15 7:42
7056Justice League2Scott Baldridge33:01:59 8:53
7046The Running Dead3Terry Dilday35:01:06 9:25
7020Team RWB Austin4Dave Gmiter36:11:44 9:44

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Mens Open

Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7014STW Krav Maga1Todd Heintz24:04:50 6:29
7031Corpus Christi Road Runners2Jay Wimberley24:59:49 6:44
7052Hooked N Horny3Larson Scullion26:00:27 7:00
7043Obsessive-Compulsive Under Achievers and Part Time Drunks4Thomas Kubicek30:09:51 8:07
7044Original Road Warriors5Samuel Longoria31:42:57 8:32
7034Smells like Team Spirit6Paul Sacco32:30:07 8:45
7030Weekend in a Van7Colin Kane32:30:46 8:45
7008Those arent Pillows8Gary Lotts32:40:54 8:48
7025Team Inspiration9John Seerey34:39:11 9:19
7045Are We There Yet?10Bob Matthews34:44:08 9:21
7037Lazy Americans11Rashad Ajalov34:52:25 9:23
7033The Coast Busters12Josh Janicek34:58:17 9:25
7010Blue Crew13John Zukowsky35:11:02 9:28
7055Baker Road Runners14Ahmad Shennawy35:27:03 9:32
7011Better than Nothing Runners15Sarah Luehring35:30:24 9:33
7022Super Heroes in Training16Glen Arnold35:57:08 9:40
7049Cool Runnings17Greg Perliski36:28:53 9:49
7054Where the Wild Things Run18Brandy Edgar36:54:28 9:56
7001Team Diabadass19Don Muchow39:08:4010:32

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7026TEXcellent1Hung Cao30:34:44 8:14
7035Corsicana Running Club2Brandy Nance31:02:59 8:21
7039Tri County Dream Team3Art Hernandez31:18:11 8:25
7051Hooked N Hornier4Madeleine Buxton31:20:26 8:26
7053seXC Horns5James Burden32:59:08 8:53
7048The Endorphinatics6Paul Deere34:48:16 9:22
7038#C4s2fast4u7Jo Abad35:08:53 9:27
7018Team TBD8Athena Farias35:24:29 9:32
7032Owl and the Pussycats9Jesus Herrera36:59:19 9:57
7041Runs with Scissors10Frank Leff37:00:26 9:57
7003Most Interesting Team in the World11Delaney Van Vranken37:06:48 9:59
7047Hot in the 80's12Michelle Moryl37:07:23 9:59
7029Team Kinisi13Jennifer Fuester-Reynolds37:32:0910:06

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7017CrossTrain 1 Timothy 4:81Danny Cook35:26:18 9:32
7002Team Not So Last Minute2Kim Montague37:32:5310:06

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Womens Open

Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7016Get Me to the Beach On Time1Julie Segler37:19:0010:02
7021The LOCOmotives2Nicole Nolen37:28:0110:05
7036Easier Said Than Run3Jeannette Trenkle37:29:4410:05

7th Annual Capital To Coast Relay - Relay

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Womens Ultra

Bib Team Name Overall Name(s) Team Time Pace
7015The LOCOmotives ULTRA1Nicole Nolen37:03:54 9:58