Saturday, October 03, 20157:45 am CST
Hwy 183 South
Gonzales, Texas 78629

Gonzales is one of the most historic towns in Texas.  Celebrate “Come & Take It” with us! The Come & Take It Celebration celebrates the firing of the first shot of the Texas revolution on Oct. 2, 1835.  2015 is the 180th anniversary of the first shot!  Let’s Come & Take It!!!

Schedule: 7:00am - Registration and Packet Pickup
7:45am - Walkers Start
8:00am - Runners Start
Entry Fees:

$25 on or before 9/25/15
$30 on or after 9/26/16

Race day registration until 7:30am

You must register by 9/25/15 to be guaranteed a t-shirt


Overall Male and Female Walkers

Age group awards for the runners: 1-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-64, 65 and over

Contact: Bridgette Burnett,


Come And Take It Form2015-08-06 09:08:14120.29 KB