Saturday, November 15, 20148:30 am CST
& MorningStar subdivision
3855 Morningside Dr
New Braunfels, Texas 78132
Description: 5K/10K and Half Marathon to benefit Comal County Habitat for Humanity.

7:00 a.m. Half Marathon Registration begins
7:30 a.m. Registration for 5k, 10k, & Kids 1K
7:30 a.m. Half Marathon Race Starts
8:30 a.m. Race Start 5k, 10k
9:30 a.m. Kids 1K race starts
9:45 a.m. Award presentation begins @ finish line


$25.00 until October 1st
$30.00 until November 1st
$35.00 through Race Day

$35.00 until October 1st
$40.00 until November 1st
$45.00 through Race Day

Half Marathon
$60.00 until October 1st
$65.00 until November 1st
$70.00 through Race Day

Kids 1K

The first 250  registrants will receive a free long sleeve tech t-shirt (5K, 10k, & Half Marathon sign ups)

Award Brackets:

Top male award, Top female award, 1st & 2nd place trophies will be present to each age bracket for both male & female:  Under 17 - 18 to 29 - 30 to 39 - 40 to 49 - 50 to 59 - 60 to 69 - 70 & up

Parking Location:

3855 Morningside Dr. at Morningside Elemenatary.  Free shuttle from finish line.  Finish line located in MorningStar subdivision.
Packet Pickup:

Thursday, November 13th  3pm to 6pm at 1269 Industrial Dr. - Comal County Habitat for Humanity offices

Contact: Comal County Habitat for Humanity, 830.625.4025,