Saturday, May 13, 20179:00 am CST
625 Mission Valley Road
New Braunfels, Texas 78132
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John Newcombe Country Club 5K Run/Walk and Kids Dash - Awards

Saturday, May 13, 2017

5K Run/Walk - Male

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
1-19 Male12158Andres Engle19:06 6:09
22170Jackson Reagan22:14 7:09
32185Lane Golla23:46 7:39

30-39 Male12172Jason Savill21:08 6:48
22163Robert Gunder33:2310:45
32167Bill Popst44:3314:20

40-49 Male12178Thomas Reagan21:40 6:58
22180Don Henderson23:37 7:36
32161Steven Golla25:45 8:17

50-59 Male12181Ted Dasso26:51 8:39
22151Steve Benesh27:40 8:54

60-69 Male12171Rodney Robison30:46 9:54
22169Steve Popst44:4314:24


John Newcombe Country Club 5K Run/Walk and Kids Dash - Awards

Saturday, May 13, 2017

5K Run/Walk - Female

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
1-19 Female12183Faith Dasso21:06 6:47
22182Clare Dasso22:30 7:15
32174Brooke Thompson22:57 7:23

20-29 Female12193Carolina Cupatelli30:14 9:44
22157Nika Cuppatelli30:27 9:48
32166Jenifer McLean34:3811:09

30-39 Female12162Brooke Gunder33:2010:44

40-49 Female12156Cheryl Cuppatelli27:27 8:50
22179Wendi Reagan30:20 9:46
32153Lynette Best-Gray34:2811:06

50-59 Female12164Esther Herklotz29:20 9:26
22173Renae Suberg36:1011:38
32177Elaine Weichsel47:4415:22

60-69 Female12168Joyce Popst42:3713:43
22154Nancy Cantwell43:0313:51

70-99 Female12186Evy Gillum36:0911:38