Saturday, December 09, 20177:30 am CST
1416 N Loop 1604 East
San Antonio, Texas 78232
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Milk and Cookies 5K Run with Santa - Awards

Saturday, December 09, 2017

5K - Male

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
1-12 Male11865Liam Foreman43:5114:07

31-40 Male11862Christopher Villa26:05 8:24

41-50 Male11855Jamie Hutting26:41 8:35
21858Joe Robert Longoria44:3614:21

51-99 Male11867Bill Ryan30:05 9:41
21864Leighton Foreman43:4514:05


Milk and Cookies 5K Run with Santa - Awards

Saturday, December 09, 2017

5K - Female

Age Group Place Bib Name Chip Time Pace
1-12 Female11868Kate Newman53:1417:08
21869Ali Davila-Rodriguez53:2017:10

31-40 Female11854Haley Hutting30:23 9:47
21861Dell Villa30:42 9:53
31863Christina Robinson37:1912:01

41-50 Female11856Kk Korelich27:26 8:50
21853Lynette Best-Gray31:5810:17
31857Annabelle Longoria44:3914:22

51-99 Female11851Betty Barajas57:3418:32