Saturday, November 10, 20188:00 am CDT
100 Carlson Circle
San Marcos, Texas 78666

2018 marks the 10th Anniversary of Pink Heals!! Pink Heals Hays County is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women and their families, not causes. 100% of the proceeds from this race remain LOCAL and will be donated to the Emergency Cancer Fund, so that women/families can apply for funds needed to cover costs associated with battling this disease.  If you know someone who is in need of help, please email for the application. 

Race Day Schedule

07:00 AM - Registration and packet pickup
08:00 AM - 5K Run/Walk

Entry Fees

$25.00 until 09/30/2018
$30.00 from 10/1/2018 to 11/07/2018
$35.00 Race Day

Online registration closes at 6pm on 11/07/2018


IF YOU WANT TO REGISTER BETWEEN 6PM 11/07/2018 and RACE DAY... pls email and inlcude:  Name, Address, DOB, Age, Shirt Size, Email Address.

Thank you!

Award Categories
5K Run/Walk
Overall Male/Female
Top 3 Male/Female in age groups:
     0-16, 17-26, 27-36, 37-46, 47-56, 57-66, 67-100
Packet Pickup

Fire Station #5 on Carlson Circle, Friday, 11/09/2018 from 5pm-7pm
Race Day