Saturday, February 24, 20188:15 am CST
1664 Center Point Road
San Marcos, Texas 78666

The Master’s School PTC presents its seventh annual kids fun run followed by a chip timed, out and back 5K race.

For more information see our website:

Check our our Facebook page for race updates and prize drawings!

Race Day Schedule

07:00 AM - Registration and packet pickup
08:15 AM - Kids Fun Run
08:30 AM - 5K Run/Walk
09:30 AM - Awards and prizes

Entry Fees

Entry fees: (Until 12/31/2017)

· $10.00 for Kids Fun Run

· $20.00 for 5K

Entry fees:

· $15.00 for Kids Fun Run

· $25.00 for 5K

Race Day Registration:

· $20.00 for Kids Fun Run

· $35.00 for 5K

T-Shirts to all early registrants (register by Wed, Feb. 7th to guarantee size)

Packet Pickup

Morning of the Race from 7:00-8:00am

Contact Info